
Using AI in the fields

With its ultra-high-precision smart sprayer, Ecorobotix can reduce the use of conventional plant protection products by 70 to 95%. This unique technology also results in healthier, more abundant crops with a lower environmental impact.

With the environmental regulations governing the large-scale use of chemicals in agriculture becoming ever stricter, Ecorobotix offers a way of lessening the impact of farming by drastically reducing the use of plant protection products (PPP) on farms. Launched on the market in 2021, ARA is the first ultra-high-precision smart sprayer capable of targeting the specific needs of each plant. This revolutionary tractor-towed technology uses AI to scan the field, identifying and categorising the plants in real time. Once the system has distinguished the crop plants from the weeds, these are then sprayed individually with an unprecedented precision of 6 x 6 cm ­– at a rate of four hectares an hour. And the ARA sprayer is not just used for herbicide and pesticide treatments; it can provide ultra-targeted application of fungicides, insecticides and fertilisers too.

In environmental terms, the technology developed by Ecorobotix enables farmers to satisfy local legal requirements by massively reducing their use of conventional PPP – by between 70 and 95% depending on the crop. And it protects the biodiversity of the soil and plants too. By reducing the quantity of chemicals used, ARA also increases crop yields by at least 5%. It is precise enough to target just the weed or plant to be treated without affecting surrounding crops or the soil. Lastly, it results in reduced need for intensive manual farming methods.

ARA’s technology is available commercially in more than 15 European countries. Ecorobotix is also present in a few South American countries and in Canada – where it supplies Delfland Inc. and Les Fermes Hotte et Van Winden Inc., two of the country’s largest vegetable growers. In 2023, the company completed an investment round of $52 million with a view to accelerating its geographical expansion, winning new markets and speeding up the development of new products. “The market is continually looking for more environmentally friendly solutions, and ARA meets that need by reducing man’s impact on farming,” concludes Aurélien Demaurex, co-founder and Vice-Chairman of the board of directors.